Monday, October 29, 2007

T.T. 42 - Commitment to Christ - Two analogies.

T.T. 42. Commitment to Christ - Two Analogies.

1. The Wedding ceremony.

Jesus wants us to commit our lives to Him. To help children understand what this actually means, we can use the wedding ceremony as an analogy.

Before you marry someone, you first have to meet them, then there will be a time of getting to know them, and finally you decide that you are ready to commit yourself to that person. It is the same in our relationship with Jesus. You hear about Him, you get to know Him, and finally you commit yourself to Him.

In the wedding ceremony you firstly promise to "forsake all others". It is the same in our relationship with Jesus. We promise to forsake all others and give Him first place in our hearts and lives.

Secondly, your marriage relationship is entered into by an act of your will. It depends upon your commitment to your partner, not your feelings. Likewise our relationship with Jesus is dependent upon our commitment to Him, not our feelings.

Thirdly, your wedding ceremony is only the start of your new relationship. This then needs to be worked at and lived out from then onwards. Likewise, our commitment to Jesus is only the first step of our eternal relationship with Him. And this needs to be worked at and lived out every day.

2. Crucifixion.

Paul explained our new relationship to Christ in a slightly different way. He said "I have been crucified with Christ, and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me." (Galatians 2 v. 20).

What does it mean to be "Crucified with Christ"?

When Jesus was on the cross, firstly He had to face one direction. He could not look back. Secondly, He had chosen this path and had reached the point where there was no going back. Thirdly, His future was entirely in the hands of His Father. He had no plans of His own.

In the same way being crucified with Christ means 1. No looking back. 2. No going back and 3. Having no plans of your own.