Sunday, September 03, 2006

Teaching tip 33 - Our lives are on loan from God.

Teaching tip 33 - Our lives are on loan from God.

In New Delhi, India there was (and perhaps still is) a toy library where children, who couldn't afford their own, could go to borrow toys. If a child's borrowed toy was carefully looked after, their membership card was stamped with a rose. And if they got eight roses, they were allowed to keep a toy. If, however, a toy was returned damaged, the card was stamped with a cross. If a child got two crosses, their library membership was suspended for one month.

Book libraries work along the same principals. If we borrow a book, we are expected to look after it, and return it in good condition.

What else are we loaned on similar terms? The answer is our lives. God has given us our lives, and He want's us to use them the right way, according to His will. Paul, writing to an early church, put it this way: "Surely you know that your body is a temple where the Holy Spirit lives. The Spirit is in you and is a gift from God. You are no longer your own. God paid a great price for you. So use your body to honour God." ! Corinthians 6. 19,20.